October 2009

ISM Non-manufacturing index for September 2009 at 50.9%

The Institute for Supply Management released their non-manufacturing index (NMI) today. Business Activity Index at 55.1% New Orders Index at 54.2% Employment Index at 44.3% Once again, we see workers being left behind, as it has been in almost every indicator. Any index above 50 means growth. So the non-manufacturing index is showing expansion, but barely.

SIGTARP preview - Hank Paulson chastized for spin on "healthy" banks receiving TARP funds

This is an Instapopulist to cover the press articles on the new SIGTARP, the inspector general's report on TARP, due out this morning. We will update the site when we can get our little grubby peanut gallery hands on the actual report.

In Government report questions rescue claims we discover, surprise, surprise, Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and the FDIC all lied on the health of the 9 banks receiving funds.

But the report said that then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other officials were wrong to contend at an Oct. 14 press conference that all nine institutions receiving the first round of support — $125 billion — were sound.

EPI report on the long term consequences of unemployment

There is a new Economic Policy Institute report, h/t'ed by Paul Krugman, on the long term negative consequences of recession and unemployment. I have attached the report, A Economic Scarring: The long-term impacts of the recession by John Irons, to this post.

Here are the highlights:

  • Educational achievement: Unemployment and income losses can reduce educational achievement by threatening early childhood nutrition; reducing families’ abilities to provide a supportive learning environment (including adequate health care, summer activities, and stable housing); and by forcing a delay or abandonment of college plans.

Must Read Posts - Sometimes you just can't say it better for October 4, 2009

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did. With that, EP is starting the infamous link post series, otherwise known as read this, did you see this? The title of the links series will be the title of this post with the date modified. With introductions over, onto the read this post!

Must Read #1

Over on Naked Capitalism is a guest post The Real Reason Giant Insolvent Banks are not Being Broken Up. He has a host of bullet points as to why the obvious hasn't happened and no, it's not because the governent's hands are tied. Just one quote:

Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti business conditions index

There is another economic indicator that is useful for EP readers to track, the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti business conditions index (ADS index).

Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti business conditions index

I personally hadn't paid much attention until I read Econbrowser's post, not much of a V, where he analyzes the economic indicators and shows, the recovery sure doesn't look guaranteed.

The ADS index is now a real time metric which tracks business conditions at high frequency.

According to the Fed:

Cayman Islands Tax Haven.....may charge taxes!

Aha! Finally, the way to rid the world of offshore tax havens! Force them to collect....taxes!

The New York Times is reporting the notorious offshore tax haven, the Cayman Islands may be forced to collect taxes:

Caught in a vise of shrinking revenue and stubbornly high public spending, the Caymans averted a fiscal crisis this week by securing a $60 million overseas loan.

But the Foreign and Commonwealth office in Britain, which oversees the Caymans and can veto foreign lending requests, has delivered an ultimatum: The rest of the $284 million the Cayman government says it needs will not be forthcoming until this offshore financial center imposes spending cuts and considers some form of direct taxation on businesses here and its 57,000 residents.

Hedge Funds attacked 1,000 Companies and Destroyed 1,200,000 Jobs

Some breakthrough work on the impact hedge funds have had on the real economy was posted this evening on DailyKos by vets74: 1,000 Companies Attacked -> 1,200,000 Jobs Destroyed

These attacks combine corrupt MSM lie campaigns with market dumps of "naked shorts" and counterfeit "phantom stock."
