November 2014

American Workers Put Last in Obama's Amnesty

The word is Obama at all costs is going to grant work permits along with amnesty to millions here illegally in the United States.  This is when the jobs market still has not recovered.  The latest leak shows Obama plans on giving amnesty and work permits to another 4.5 million illegals and U.S. permanent resident status to over half a million imported workers currently on guest worker Visas.

A Global House Of Cards

As most Americans, if not the financial media, are aware, Quantitative Easing (a euphemism for printing money) has failed to bring back the US economy.  So why has Japan adopted the policy? 

Since the heavy duty money printing began in 2013, the Japanese yen has fallen 35% against the US dollar, a big cost for a country dependent on energy imports.  Moreover, the Japanese economy has shown no growth in response to the QE stimulus to justify the rising price of imports.

Foreclosure Starts Rise 11.55% in September as Average Time In Foreclosure Rises to Record 1014 Days

According to the Mortgage Monitor for September (pdf) from Black Knight Financial Services (BKFS, formerly the LPS Data & Analytics division), there were 892,796 home mortgages, or 1.76% of all mortgages outstanding, remaining in the foreclosure process at the end of September, which was down from 935,460, or 1.80% of all active loans that were in foreclosure at the end of August, and down from 2.63% of all mortgages that were in foreclosure in September of last

October Household Survey Shows Employment Situation Truly Improving

The BLS October current population survey unemployment report shows steady improvement in the unemployment situation continuing in 2014.  The unemployment rate dropped to 5.8%, a rate not seen since July 2008.  The unemployment rate dropped another one tenth of a percentage point on a dramatic monthly increase in employed as well as a drop in those unemployed.  Those not in the labor force also declined for the month.

Labor Productivity Increases 2.0% for Q3

The BLS Productivity & Costs report for Q3 2014 shows labor productivity increased 2.0% annualized.  Output increased 4.4% and hours worked increased 2.3%.  Unit Labor costs increased only 0.3% in Q3 2014.  The reason labor productivity rose was because economic output grew more than worker hours.  Overall labor is still getting squeezed for more efficiency and wages are still repressed.
